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Sad-Thought provoking titles

Page history last edited by Golden Bay High School 6 years, 5 months ago


Almond, David / Skellig
Cassidy, A / Missing Judy
Chalifour, F / After
Clarke, Judith / Starry nights
Dessen, S / Truth about forever
Dessen, Sarah / Someone like you
Downham, J / Before I die
Ellis, D / Heaven shop
Ewart, F / Shadowflight
Foer, J / Extremely loud and incredibly close
Gervay, Susanne / Butterflies
Gibbons, A / Lost boy's appreciation society
Green, J / Looking for Alaska
Hill, David / See ya, Simon
Hill, David / Afterwards
Holubitsky, K / Last summer in Agatha
Johnson, M / 13 Little blue envelopes
Kadohata, C / Kira-Kira
Kelleher,V / Slow burn
Kilbourne, Christina / Dear Jo
Kroll, J / Mickey's little book of letters
Lawrence, M / Crack in the line
Lomer, K / Spare room
Lovegrove, J / House of Lazarus
McCarthy, Maureen / Chain of hearts 
Morpurgo, Michael / Private Peaceful
Paterson, K / Bridge to Terabitha
Paton, Alan / Cry, the beloved country
Reinhart, D / A brief chapter in my impossible life
Sebold, A / Lovely bones
Skiffington, E / Day after forever
Topp, A / Single fin
Weatherly, Lee / Breakfast at Sadie's
Williams, C / Carolina autumn
Wynne-Jones, / Boy in the burning house
Zevin, G / Elsewhere
Zusak, M / The book thief

Pelzer, David / A child called 'it'
Grealy, Lucy / Autobiography of a face 

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